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                           The Modern Doberman

This distinctive breed may be one of the more recognizable types of dog in the world and if you mention the words Doberman Pinscher many people will immediately think of a guard dog with an aggressive, even vicious, temperament. Some of this is true since the Doberman was bred over the years to be a guard dog. However, experts will tell you that this elegant looking animal is not vicious. In fact, the Doberman makes a loyal companion to family members.

The Doberman Pinscher likes to be around people, and though most dogs of this breed are fearless and determined, they are not aggressive by nature. In fact, if socialized early by a good breeder and brought into a good family atmosphere, this breed can be excellent with children, even playful. Dobermans were bred in Germany by crossing German Pinschers with Rottweilers, Greyhounds, and other breeds.


The name comes from a man named Dobermann who bred a watchdog to protect him during his travels as a tax collector. Eventually, the name was shortened by dropping one "n." The German word "pinscher" means terrier, which does not accurately describe the modern Doberman.