Welcome to Higbee Doberman's.
Owning the perfect Doberman rarely happens by accident .
Whether you are dealing with a breeder , a breed rescue group , or a shelter , your approach should be the same . You
want to identify a Doberman that you can live with and screen it for medical and behavioral problems before you make
it a permanent family member .
When looking for a puppy, champions in the pedigree
show that thought and planning was given to the resulting puppies and breeding adults. It also reflects temperment and
trainability. No breeder or show person is going to invest the time, research, and thousands of dollars in expense on
an inferior dog. Nore are they going to invest the time and expense in a dog that is not healthy and won't live a long
life to help improve their lines. When shopping for a puppy, choose a puppy with a good champion bloodline even if you
aren't interested in showing or breeding. This should result in many years of companionship and enjoyment with
a happy, healthy, good tempered dog.